
Râsul ei de altă dată mi-era muzică de suflet. Ochii mi-erau călăuză și ajutor la ananghie. Bătăile inimii îmi indrumau pașii. Acum însă, nu mai aud nimic. E liniște, iar ea nu mai e aici. Acum a rămas doar un ecou pe care îl țin în suflet. Nu vreau să îl pierd. Îmi ține de … Read moreMolipsitor

A heart metamorphosis

Part two Time is a very tricky thing. It does not wait for you, but it makes you realize the preciousness of moments. I built a castle around my heart. I cleaned up all the mess and threw out all the trash. I locked the memories in some drawers, and I started taking care of … Read moreA heart metamorphosis

A heart metamorphosis

Part one When my father died, my heart stopped. I’ve never thought it would work again. You see, death is a very complex concept. No one teaches us how to act when one of your dearest persons dies. I guess, no one can. Each person acts and reacts in a unique manner. Believe me, people … Read moreA heart metamorphosis