Zâmbetul din spatele laptopului

Nu sunt neapărat a morning person. Cred că sunt undeva la mijloc. Între îmi place și nu prea. Între aș vrea, dar totuși parcă nu. Parcă te și aud… Ce complicate sunt femeile astea, nu? Nici n-ai idee! Diminețile de dumincă au un vibe aparte pentru mine. Fără alarma dată de zeci de ori pe … Read moreZâmbetul din spatele laptopului

The Old Man’s Letter

After the party, I ran back to my new home. I poured myself a glass of wine, lit up the fire and crawled into the huge armchair placed in front of the fireplace. Everything seemed from another time and I must admit that I was very nervous about what I was about to find out. … Read moreThe Old Man’s Letter

Shall we dance?

Part two “Dearest Rosa, I would like you to write with every inch of your soul. Feel the words, bleed them out, fight them and recover from the war. Put it down on paper. Don’t be afraid, my darling, because you have millions of stories to tell and no one can do it better than … Read moreShall we dance?

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