M-aș face una cu…

Aparent credeam că știu tot. Deși știam scenariul și o cunoșteam pe deplin, mă înșelasem complet. Mi-am dat seama că m-aș face una cu timpul ca să pot păstra acel moment mereu. Acum e rândul meu să lupt. De data asta, îți voi demonstra că pun totul pe masă. Fără excepții.Știi deja că tu, draga … Read moreM-aș face una cu…

The Old Man’s Letter

After the party, I ran back to my new home. I poured myself a glass of wine, lit up the fire and crawled into the huge armchair placed in front of the fireplace. Everything seemed from another time and I must admit that I was very nervous about what I was about to find out. … Read moreThe Old Man’s Letter

Safe Haven

Part two I am the game changer now. My own game changer. I learned it on my own. What I believe, strongly believe, is that each of us is the puppeteer of his own life. Don’t you agree? Well, guess what? I do not care. I wanted to change my life. I was eager to … Read moreSafe Haven

Safe Haven

Part one In the middle of nowhere you may find yourself, Your heart may beat a little bit faster Your eyes may be amazed by the new light and your mind, darling, your mind will find its shelter. It is time. Due to our elders perspective, I am almost old and grey. Almost an old … Read moreSafe Haven